The film follows three triplets who were part of a study designed by late psychologist Dr. Peter Neubauer, who took sets of multiples and sent them to a now-defunct adoption agency called Louise Wise Services. The multiples were then separated and placed in families of varying socioeconomic backgrounds.
While watching the film, Wayne's Michelle Mordkoff, a Packanack Elementary School teacher, recognized the name of the agency.
Mordkoff -- a graduate of Clarkstown North High School in New City -- said the film was just the push she needed to take a DNA test, which ultimately matched her with a woman in Calabasas, California. A quick Facebook search confirmed Mordkoff's suspicion that Alison Kanter, her match, was her twin sister.
While looking at her Facebook page, Mordkoff said she first saw herself in Alison's face, and then she saw her same birthday in her bio.
"And then I lose my footing and I fall to the floor," Mordkoff said in a video by "The Atlantic."
The twins' emotional reunion was captured this summer on film (see video above).
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